Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Melinda Gates wants 200 million women to have access to the contraceptives they need

Rachel, I woman I interviewed for Two is Enough: A Couple's Guide to Living Childless by Choice reached out to me and alerted me to the fact that the November issue of National Geographic magazine has an interview with Bill and Melinda Gates about their philanthropic endeavors. "I saw this quote from Melinda and thought of you":

"Family planning is crucial anywhere, in any community around the world,
because if a woman can decide if and when to have a child, she's going to behealthier and her child is going to be healthier. That's one of thelongest-standing pieces of research we have."
Then when asked what one thing she would fix if she could (poverty,malnutrition, education, HIV, etc.), Melinda said:
"So if I could wave a magic wand, 200 million women who are asking us forcontraceptives today would have them."

Rachel added, "I love that she said "IF and when to have a child" and that this is her #1 concern!" I love that too! I think we are finally moving away from the assumption that all women will choose to have children just because they can. The research mentioned by Melinda Gates confirms that health outcomes improve for both women and children when women are in control of the number and timing of births. If you would like to read more about the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, click here for the full article.

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